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EVS Class-5 NCERT Solutions, Chapter 8-: A Treat for Mosquitoes

Class 5 EVS Chapter 8 gives an idea about mosquitoes and malaria. It mentions diseases like malaria and anaemia and their treatment, diseases caused by flies, and ways to prevent malaria. The chapter also motivates the students to keep their surroundings clean and hygienic and observe local ponds for the growth of algae and plants. Lastly, the chapter A Treat for Mosquitoes Class 5 mentions the celebrated scientist Ronald Ross and his phenomenal discovery. The NCERT textbook (Looking Around) questions are answered in a simple and engaging manner. We also have related ‘Learning Concepts’, and interactive worksheets with solutions. Our ‘Learning Beyond’ segment caters to all the probable questions that the child might think out of curiosity. Download Chapter 8 A Treat for Mosquitoes in the PDF format for free.

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The EVS Class-5 NCERT Solutions, Chapter 8-: A Treat for Mosquitoes are tailored to help the students master the concepts that are key to success in their classrooms. The solutions given in the PDF are developed by experts and correlate with the CBSE syllabus of 2023-2024. These solutions provide thorough explanations with a step-by-step approach to solving problems. Students can easily get a hold of the subject and learn the basics with a deeper understanding. Additionally, they can practice better, be confident, and perform well in their examinations with the support of this PDF.

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Access Answers to EVS Class-5 NCERT Solutions, Chapter 8-: A Treat for Mosquitoes

Students can access the EVS Class-5 NCERT Solutions, Chapter 8-: A Treat for Mosquitoes. Curated by experts according to the CBSE syllabus for 2023–2024, these step-by-step solutions make Maths much easier to understand and learn for the students. These solutions can be used in practice by students to attain skills in solving problems, reinforce important learning objectives, and be well-prepared for tests.

Find Out

Question 1 :

 What problems did they have on having malaria?

Answer :

They had the following problems on having malaria—
(i) High fever
(ii) Bouts of shivering
(iii) Weakness and fatigue

Question 2 :

What other diseases can be caused by mosquito bites?

Answer :

Mosquito bites cause following diseases—
(i) Dengue, (ii) Chikungunya, (iii) Filaria.

Question 3 :

Do you know anyone who has had malaria?

Answer :

Yes, my sister suffered from malaria once.

Question 4 :

 How did they find out that they had malaria?

Answer :

They found it by conducting a blood test.

Question 5 :

 In which season is malaria more common? Why do you think this happens?

Answer :

Malaria is most common during the rainy season. The mosquitoes breed in stagnant water. As in the rainy season, water gets collected in puddles, ponds, wells, drains, leftover containers around the house, etc. the mosquitoes get sufficient opportunity to breed and spread diseases.

Question 6 :

What do you do in your house to protect yourself from mosquitoes? Also find out from your friends about what they do?

Answer :

Following things are done in my house to protect everyone from mosquitoes—
(i) Using mosquito nets while sleeping at night.
(ii) Using mosquito repellents oils, creams, liquids, coils etc.
(iii) Burning dry Neem leaves and spreading the smoke in the house weekly.
(iv) Covering the windows with fine wire mesh.
(v) Keeping the surroundings clean and not allowing water to collect anywhere.
I found out that my friends also follow the things mentioned above to protect themselves from mosquitoes.

Question 7 :

Look at the report of the blood test given below. Which words in the report help us to know that the person has malaria?

Answer :

The blood test report is concluded with the line that malarial parasite is found in the blood sample. This line in the report helps us to know that the person has malaria.


Question 1 :

 Look at Aarti’s blood report and find out the minimum required haemoglobin.

Answer :

The minimum required haemoglobin level in the blood is 12 gm/dl.

Question 2 :

 How much did Aarti’s haemoglobin go up and how long did it take for that?

Answer :

Aarti’s haemoglobin has increased by 2.5 gm/dl, and it took three months for that.

Question 3 :

 What does the newspaper report say about the problems caused by anaemia?

Answer :

 The newspaper report says that anaemia affects children both physically and mentally. Due to anaemia, children’s growth is hampered, and their energy levels are not up to the mark. This affects their studies, as they are not in proper health condition to perform well.

Question 4 :

Have you or anyone in your family ever needed to get a blood test? When and why?

Answer :

Yes, my aunt had to go for a blood test about two months back. She was suffering from a high fever.

Question 5 :

What was found out by the blood test?

Answer :

The blood report said that my aunt was suffering from malaria.

Question 6 :

 Have you had a health check-up in your school? What did the doctor tell you?

Answer :

Yes, about three months ago there was a health check-up camp in my school. The doctor said that I was fit and healthy.

Find Out

Question 1 :

Ask a doctor or elders about the food items which contain iron.

Answer :

The food items that contain iron are—Amla, green leafy vegetables, jaggery, apples, beans, peas, apricots, raisins, red meat, poultry and seafood.

Find Out and Tell

Question 1 :

Have you seen any poster like this put up anywhere?

Answer :

Yes, I have seen such posters stuck on the walls of buildings in my locality.

Question 2 :

Who do you think puts up such posters, or gives ads in the newspaper?

Answer :

The government puts up such posters and ads to create awareness among people.

Question 3 :

 What are some of the important points given in the poster?

Answer :

The following important points are given in the poster—
(i) Beware of mosquitoes as they cause serious diseases like malaria, dengue and chikungunya.
(ii) Fill up the pits to avoid the collection of water.
(iii) Clean the surroundings and all the water containers to ensure there are no breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
(iv) Use mosquito nets to avoid mosquito bites.
(v) Kerosene oil should be sprayed on stagnant water to prevent mosquitoes from breeding.

Question 4 :

 Why do you think pictures of a tank, cooler and pits are shown in the poster?

Answer :

These pictures are shown on the poster to grab the people’s attention and highlight the fact that these are the places where water can stagnate and become breeding grounds for mosquitoes.


Question 1 :

Why do you think it talks about putting fish in the tank? What do you think the fish eat?

Answer :

 It talks about putting fish in the tank because those fish feed on the larvae of mosquitoes.

Question 2 :

 What will happen when oil is spread on the water?

Answer :

The thin layer of oil on the stagnant water does not allow the mosquitoes to breed because the oil layer prevents the oxygen from reaching the growing larvae. As a result, the larvae die due to oxygen deficiency.

Find Out

Question 1 :

 Which diseases are spread by flies and how?

Answer :

Flies spread diseases like cholera, typhoid, dysentery and anthrax. They carry the germs of these diseases from contaminated matter. When they sit on the contaminated matter, the germs stick to their legs and the same are transferred to the food when the flies sit on it.

Mosquito Check

Question 1 :

Can any larvae be seen in the collected water?

Answer :

Yes, larvae are visible in the collected water.

Question 2 :

Has it caused any problem in the area?

Answer :

Yes, there are certain problems in the area—
(i) The area looks dirty and unclean.
(ii) The place is swarming with mosquitoes and flies.
(iii) Foul smell comes from the collected water.

Question 3 :

Since how many days has water collected there?

Answer :

The water has collected there since the last week.

Question 4 :

Who is responsible for keeping these places clean?

Answer :

We should clean the places in and around our home. School authorities are responsible for keeping the school premises clean, and the municipality is responsible for maintaining the cleanliness in public areas.

Question 5 :

Who is supposed to get the gutters and drains repaired?

Answer :

The municipality is responsible for the repairing of gutters and drains.

Question 6 :

Divide your class into two or three groups. Each group will go around to check one area in school or around it. It must carefully note if water has collected anywhere, and mark (right) where it finds stagnant water.

(i)Pot Cooler

(ii) Tank

(iii)Any open space in the school ground

(iv)Gutter Any other place_____________

Answer :

(i) Pot—?
(ii) Tank—
(iii) Any open space in the school ground—?
(iv) Gutter—
(v) Any other place— (near the drains)

Make a Poster

Question 1 :

 In your group, make a poster with a message to keep the cooler, tank, drains and the area clean (wherever water collects). Put up your poster in and around your school.

Answer :

Question 2 :

 Find out who is responsible for keeping the area around your school clean. Write a letter from your class, reporting your findings and suggestions. Find out to whom the letter should be written and to which office it should be sent.

Answer :

(i) The municipality of my area is responsible for keeping the area around my school clean.
(ii) A letter to the Ward Councillor must be written to address this problem.
The Ward Councillor Date: 01.11.2021
Ward Number-15
Company Bagh, Pratapganj
Subject: Request for maintenance of cleanliness and hygiene around D.V. Senior Secondary School, Company Bagh.
Dear Sir,
This is to bring to your kind attention that my school, D.V. Senior Secondary School, which is located in your ward, is facing the following problems concerning cleanliness and hygiene—
(i) The stagnant water collected around the school has become a breeding ground for the mosquitoes.
(ii) Garbage collected in the school’s backyard is not disposed of regularly. As a result, the place is swarming with flies and also emitting a foul smell.
So, I request you to kindly look into the matter as it may lead to serious health problems. I will be highly grateful if my request is granted.
Thanking you
Yours sincerely,
Diksha Singh (on behalf of the students of Class V, Section-A)
D.V. Senior Secondary School, Company Bagh, Pratapganj Is there a pond or river around your house or school? Go and look around and observe these things:


Question 1 :

Do you think these were planted by someone or did they grow on their own?

Answer :

No, they were not planted by anyone. They grew on their own.

Question 2 :

 Can you see algae in or around the water?

Answer :

Yes, algae is found on the surface of the water.

Question 3 :

Where else have you seen algae?

Answer :

Algae is seen on damp walls, damp ground, near hand pumps, near containers storing water etc.

Question 4 :

 Are there plants growing on the side or in water? Find out their names. Draw some of these in your notebook.

Answer :

Yes, some small plants grow near the side or in the water body.
Examples of such plants are Bladderwort, Cattail, Hydrilla.

Question 5 :

What else can you see in water? Make a list.

Answer :

I can also see the following things in water—
(i) Aquatic animals like fishes, crabs, tadpoles, frogs etc.
(ii) Small insects like water bugs, water beetles etc.
(iii) Dirt, mud, sand at the edges of the water body.

What We Have Learnt

Question 1 :

What can you do so that mosquitoes do not breed in your house, school, and neighbourhood?

Answer :

Following things can be done to prevent the mosquitoes from breeding in our house, school and neighbourhood—
(i) Do not allow water to collect in the pits, pots, water tanks or anywhere near the house or the school.
(ii) Clean the water coolers in the house frequently.
(iii) Spray DDT and kerosene oil in areas that frequently get water-logged and in gutters and drains.
(iv) Allow the fishes to breed in ponds and ditches to feed on the larvae of mosquitoes.
(v) Burn dry Neem leaves to fumigate the areas

Question 2 :

How can you find out if someone has malaria?

Answer :

We can find out if someone has malaria by checking their blood test report. If it shows the presence of malarial parasite, then it can be confirmed that the person is suffering from malaria.

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