ORCHIDS The International School

EVS Class-5 NCERT Solutions, Chapter 12-: What If It Finishes

Class 5 EVS Chapter 12 gives a general concept of vehicles and roads, air pollution and noise pollution, idea about petrol and diesel, and judicious use of fuels. It also mentions non-conventional sources of energy like solar energy, CNG, and electric energy. Petroleum and its by-products, fuel use over the years and other fuels used by men like wood, kerosene, cow dung cakes, etc., also find a place in the chapter What if it Finishes Class 5 EVS. The NCERT textbook (Looking Around) questions are answered in a simple and engaging manner. We also have related ‘Learning Concepts’, and interactive worksheets with solutions. Our ‘Learning Beyond’ segment caters to all the probable questions that the child might think out of curiosity. Download Chapter 12 What if it Finishes…? in the PDF format for free.

Download PDF For NCERT Solutions for EVS What If It Finishes

The EVS Class-5 NCERT Solutions, Chapter 12-: What If It Finishes are tailored to help the students master the concepts that are key to success in their classrooms. The solutions given in the PDF are developed by experts and correlate with the CBSE syllabus of 2023-2024. These solutions provide thorough explanations with a step-by-step approach to solving problems. Students can easily get a hold of the subject and learn the basics with a deeper understanding. Additionally, they can practice better, be confident, and perform well in their examinations with the support of this PDF.

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Access Answers to EVS Class-5 NCERT Solutions, Chapter 12-: What If It Finishes

Students can access the EVS Class-5 NCERT Solutions, Chapter 12-: What If It Finishes. Curated by experts according to the CBSE syllabus for 2023–2024, these step-by-step solutions make Maths much easier to understand and learn for the students. These solutions can be used in practice by students to attain skills in solving problems, reinforce important learning objectives, and be well-prepared for tests.

Look at the picture on page 110 and Write

Question 1 :

What do you think they need petrol and diesel as fuel?

Answer :

Cycle rickshaws do not require fuel, cars use either petrol or diesel, auto-rickshaws use CNG or diesel, and buses run on diesel. Petrol and diesel are required by these vehicles to ply on the roads.

Question 2 :

What problems do we face from the speeding vehicles?

Answer :

Speeding vehicles cause the following problems:
i) Road accidents
ii) Damage to public property
iii) Pollution
iv) Civilian casualty

Question 3 :

Which are the vehicles run without petrol and diesel?

Answer :

Cycles and cycle rickshaws run without petrol and diesel.

Question 4 :

Which of the vehicles do you think give off smoke? Put a red mark on those.

Answer :

Auto-rickshaws, scooters, cars and buses give off smoke in the given picture.

Question 5 :

What are the different kinds of vehicles that you can see?

Answer :

I can see the following vehicles—
i) Auto-rickshaw
ii) Cycle rickshaw
iii) Car
iv) Bus
v) Scooter


Question 1 :

How do you come to school?

Answer :

I use my bicycle for coming to school.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 2 :

What kind of problems can we face from noise of vehicles (honking)?

Answer :

We may have the following problems from the honking of vehicles—
i) Noise pollution
ii) Headache and nausea
iii) Discomfort among children
iv) Stress and fatigue
v) Lack of sleep

Question 3 :

What problems can we have from smoke coming out of vehicles?

Answer :

We may have the following problems from smoke coming out of vehicles—
i) Trouble in breathing
ii) Nausea and headache
iii) Lung diseases
iv) Headache and eye problems

Question 4 :

How do your family members go to work from home?

Answer :

My father uses his car, my mother uses her scooter, and my uncle uses his motorcycle to go to work.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 5 :

Do you ride a bicycle? If yes, where all do you go on it?

Answer :

Yes, I ride a bicycle. I go to the nearby supermarket, school and playground on my bicycle.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Find Out and Discuss

Question 1 :

Find out the traffic rules and discuss them in the class.

Answer :

The traffic rules are discussed below—
i) The green light indicates to move, and the red light indicates to stop.
ii) One should never walk in the middle of the road.
iii) While crossing the road, one should look to the right, then left and again to the right direction before crossing.
iv) Zebra crossings should be used for crossing the road.
v) Footpath should be used by pedestrians while walking on the road.

Question 2 :

We should use petrol and diesel judiciously. Think why?

Answer :

We should use petrol and diesel judiciously because of the following reasons—
i) They are fossil fuels and take millions of years to form. Hence, once consumed, they will take a long time to stock up.
ii) Burning of petrol and diesel causes air pollution, and hence, using them judiciously would help control the pollution.
iii) Since petrol and diesel are non-renewable resources, we should save them for the future generation by using them judiciously.

Question 3 :

Besides oil, what else is found deep inside the earth?

Answer :

Besides oil, minerals like coal, iron, copper, bauxite, gold, etc., are found deep inside the earth.

Question 4 :

Which states in India have oil fields?

Answer :

The following states in India have oil fields—
i) Assam
ii) Maharashtra
iii) Gujarat
iv) Andhra Pradesh


Question 1 :

What kinds of problems will we face, if the number of vehicles keep on increasing? For example, more traffic on the road. Talk to your elders and write about it.

Answer :

An increase in the number of vehicles may lead to the following problems—
i) Increase in road traffic.
ii) Air pollution and noise pollution.
iii) Increase in the number of road accidents

Question 2 :

What are the benefits, if we switch off the engine of the vehicles at the red light on the road?

Answer :

Switching off the engines of the vehicles at the red light on the road has the following benefits—
i) Leads to less consumption of fuel and contribute towards sustainable development.
ii) Reduction in air pollution and noise pollution.

Question 3 :

Suggest some ways to deal with the problems arising out of the growing number of vehicles.

Answer :

The following solutions can be considered for solving the problems arising due to the growing number of vehicles—
i) Using public transport as far as possible.
ii) Carpooling with friends, colleagues or relatives.
iii) Following the concept of odd-even vehicle number plates.

Question 4 :

What all can vehicles run on?

Answer :

Vehicles take energy from the following fuels/sources for running—
i) Petrol
ii) Diesel
iii) CNG
iv) Electric battery
v) Solar energy

Question 5 :

Manju said, “why doesn’t everyone use a bus?” What do you think, why don’t people travel by buses?

Answer :

Different people have different reasons for not using the bus. Some of them are listed below—
i) Journey in buses sometimes become uncomfortable due to the crowd.
ii) People who have private vehicles use them because it is convenient and comfortable.
iii) Timings of buses may not be suitable for all.

Find Out and Write

Question 1 :
How much oil Scooter Car Tractor
How much petrol/diesel can be filled at a time?      
How far can it go on one litre of petrol/diesel?      
Answer :

How much oil Scooter Car Tractor
How much petrol/diesel can be filled at a time? 5 litres 40-45 litres 55 litres
How far can it go on one litre of petrol/diesel? 40 km/L 20 km/L 5-7 km/L

Find Out and Write

The rates of petrol are different in each city. The rates of petrol and diesel in Delhi are given here. Look at the table and answer the questions.

Question 1 :

In 2014, as compared to 2007 the rate of petrol went up by……… rupees. The rate of diesel increased by…………...rupees.

Answer :

In 2014, as compared to 2007 the rate of petrol went up by 24.74 rupees. The rate of diesel increased by 28.49 rupees.

Question 2 :

What was the difference in the rates of petrol and diesel from 2002 to 2007 and 2007 to 2014?

Answer :

Time period Difference in rate of petrol Difference in rate of diesel
2002-2007 Rs. 13.61 Rs. 11.57
2007-2014 Rs. 24.34 Rs. 28.49

Find Out

Question 1 :

What is the price of petrol and diesel in your area?

Answer :

In my area, the price of petrol is Rs. 95 per litre and the rate of diesel is Rs. 90 per litre.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 2 :

In one month how much petrol and diesel are used in your home? What is it used for?

Answer :

At my home, we use around 7-10 litres of diesel for operating generators and about 25-20 litres of petrol for the car.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 3 :

Why are the prices of petrol and diesel going up?

Answer :

The prices of petrol and diesel are going up because for the following reasons—
i) Overuse of petrol and diesel.
ii) Increase in population which is leading to increasing number of vehicles.
iii) The limited availability of fossil fuels.

See the Poster and Write

Question 1 :

Where all is oil used?

Answer :

Oil has the following uses—
i) It is used a fuel
ii) It is used as a lubricant.
iii) It is used in the synthesis of paints, plastics and ointments.

Question 2 :

Where is diesel used? Find out.

Answer :

i) Diesel is used as a fuel in cars, tractors, trucks and trains.
ii) It is also used for operating huge machines and generators.

Think and Discuss

Question 1 :

What would happen if you don’t get petrol or diesel for a week in your village or town?

Answer :

Unavailability of petrol or diesel for a week may lead to the following inconveniences—
i) Disturbance in daily life because of no vehicles plying on the roads.
ii) Disturbance in factories and small plants as diesel is used for operating some machinery.

Question 2 :

Suggest some ways to save oil.

Answer :

The following measure, if adopted, can help in saving oil—
i) Replacing private vehicles by public transport whenever possible.
ii) Walking instead of using vehicles for short distances,
iii) Carpooling
iv) Switching off the engines of vehicles at red lights.
v) Use of renewable sources of energy like solar energy.
vi) Minimising the time of cooking food by cooking in covered utensils or soaking food items like rice and pulses in water.


Question 1 :

Have you ever collected dry wood or made cow dung cakes? How are they made?

Answer :

Yes, I have collected dry wood to make bonfires during the winters. I have never made cow dung cakes but have seen some ladies in my ancestral village making them. For making cow dung cakes, they mix the cow or buffalo dung with hay and shape them like a cake. These cakes are then allowed to dry in the sun and are later used to generate heat.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 2 :

Who cooks food in your family? What about other families in your area?

Answer :

 My mother cooks food. In other families in my area, mostly women of the family cook food. However, in some families’ men also cook the food. Some of the families have maids for cooking food.

[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 3 :

If they cook food using wood or upla (cow dung cakes), what difficulties do they face due to smoke?

Answer :

They may face the following difficulties—
i) Difficulty in breathing which may later lead to lung diseases.
ii) Itching in eyes.
iii) Nausea and headache

Question 4 :

Can Durga use anything else instead of wood? Why not?

Answer :

Yes, Durga can use LPG or kerosene for cooking food. But she is not able to afford these fuels as they are expensive.

Question 5 :

Do you know anyone who collects dry wood or leaves to be used for lighting a chulha?

Answer :

Yes, people in my ancestral village depend on dry wood and leaves because they use it as a fuel to cook food on chulhas.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Change in fuel use over twenty years

Question 1 :

In year 1976, out of 100, how many houses used uple and wood?

Answer :

84 houses.

Question 2 :

Which was the fuel used the least in 1976?

Answer :


Question 3 :

In 1976, LPG and kerosene were used in……. houses and in 1996 this increased to……. This means that in twenty years their use increased by……….%.

Answer :

In 1976, LPG and kerosene were used in 10 houses and in 1996 this increased to 18. This means that in twenty years their use increased by 80%.

Question 4 :

Out of 100, how many houses were using electricity in 1996?

Answer :

5 houses.

Question 5 :

Which fuel was used the least in 1996? What percentage of houses used it in the year 1976?

Answer :

Coal was used the least in 1996. In 1976 it was used in 5% of houses.

Find Out from Your Elders

Question 1 :

When they were young what was then used to cook food at home?

Answer :

When they were young, coal and firewood were the main fuels used for cooking.

Question 2 :

In the past 10 years use of which cooking fuel has increased in your area? Use of which fuel has decreased?

Answer :

In the past 10 years, the use of LPG and electricity has increased in our area whereas the use of wood, coal and upla has decreased.

Question 3 :

Guess the use of which fuel would increase and which would decrease in the next 10 years.

Answer :

In the next 10 years, the use of LPG, electricity and solar energy will increase and the use of wood, coal and cow dung cakes will decrease.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

What We Have Learnt

Question 1 :

Imagine that a company has given you a chance to design a new vehicle like a minibus. What kind of vehicle would you design? Write about it. Draw a picture and colour it.

Answer :

I will design a vehicle with the following features—
i) It would be environment friendly, i.e., will produce less or no smoke.
ii) It will use electricity or solar energy for operating.

[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 2 :

While making the design, what did you plan to take care of:
(а) Old people
(b) Children
(c) Those who cannot see.

Answer :

a) For old people, the bus floor should be low so that getting onto is easy and the bus must be well equipped with seat belts.
b) For children, the bus floor should be low with closed doors and grills on the windows.
c) For blind people, there should be tactile sensors at the bus gates and on the handles of the seats.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 3 :

Make a poster with a message on saving fuel. Write a slogan too. Where would you like to put up this poster?

Answer :

SLOGAN: “Save Fuel for Better World”
I will put up this poster near petrol filling stations.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

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