ORCHIDS The International School

EVS Class-5 NCERT Solutions, Chapter 16-: Who Will Do This Work

Chapter 16 Who will do this Work? sensitises children towards the poorest section of the society and encourages them to respect the jobs they do and why these jobs are essential. The kids are asked to think about what will happen if these jobs are not done. Finally, the chapter gives a message about not discriminating against people based on their professions and respecting them instead. The NCERT textbook (Looking Around) questions are answered in a simple and engaging manner. We also have related ‘Learning Concepts’, and interactive worksheets with solutions. Our ‘Learning Beyond’ segment caters to all the probable questions that the child might think out of curiosity. Download Chapter 16 Who will do this Work? in the PDF format for free.

Download PDF For NCERT Solutions for EVS Who Will Do This Work

The EVS Class-5 NCERT Solutions, Chapter 16-: Who Will Do This Work are tailored to help the students master the concepts that are key to success in their classrooms. The solutions given in the PDF are developed by experts and correlate with the CBSE syllabus of 2023-2024. These solutions provide thorough explanations with a step-by-step approach to solving problems. Students can easily get a hold of the subject and learn the basics with a deeper understanding. Additionally, they can practice better, be confident, and perform well in their examinations with the support of this PDF.

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Access Answers to EVS Class-5 NCERT Solutions, Chapter 16-: Who Will Do This Work

Students can access the EVS Class-5 NCERT Solutions, Chapter 16-: Who Will Do This Work. Curated by experts according to the CBSE syllabus for 2023–2024, these step-by-step solutions make Maths much easier to understand and learn for the students. These solutions can be used in practice by students to attain skills in solving problems, reinforce important learning objectives, and be well-prepared for tests.

Who will do this Work?

Question 1 :

Have you seen such scenes around you?

Answer :

Yes, I see such scenes around me regularly.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 2 :

Why do you think people need to do this kind of work?

Answer :

People need to do this kind of work because of the following reasons—
i) Poverty and hunger
ii) Lack of education

Question 3 :

Have you ever thought of people who do this work? Can you imagine how they would feel?

Answer :

This kind of work mainly involves cleaning public places, sewer lines, etc. The people who do it may feel uncomfortable and dirty while doing this work.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]


Talk with people who do the cleaning job around your house and school.

Question 1 :

If you were asked to do any five jobs shown in this picture, which would you choose?

Answer :

 I would choose the following works— i) Teaching
ii) Pot making
iii) Treating sick people and children
iv) Driving
v) Painting
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 2 :

Did the elders in their family also do this work?

Answer :

Yes, their elders were involved in the same work.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 3 :

What kind of difficulties do they face in doing this work?

Answer :

They face the following difficulties—
i) Sense of discomfort due to the smell and dirt.
ii) Skin diseases, nausea, and headache
iv) Low wages
v) Not respected by the people around.

Question 4 :

What are the different kinds of work being done in this drawing? List any five of these.

Answer :

The following works are being shown in the picture—
i) Gardening
ii) Milking the cow
iii) Cleaning sewer pipes
iv) Managing the traffic
v) Driving
vi) Teaching
vii) Treating sick people and children
viii) Pot making
ix) Teaching
x) Painting
[Any five is required.]

Question 5 :

Which five jobs would you not choose? Why?

Answer :

I will not choose the following five jobs—
i) Cleaning sewer pipes
ii) Brooming streets
iii) Carrying loads
iv) Rag picking
v) Ironing clothes
The jobs mentioned above are not well paid, and some of them may also lead to health hazards. Also, I want to choose respectable jobs.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 6 :

Since when have they been doing this work?

Answer :

They have been doing this work for a long time. Most of these people have been working for the last 5-10 years.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 7 :

How much have they studied?

Answer :

Most of them left school at a very young age. Some have studied up to grade 5 while others have been until grade 8.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 8 :

Have they tried to look for some other work?

Answer :

The majority of them did not look for any other work as they were not confident about getting other jobs. Those who tried could not make it due to a lack of skills and education.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]


Question 1 :

Gandhiji’s favourite song (bhajan) is given below. This bhajan is in Gujarati. Try to understand the meaning of these lines with the help of your elders. Think about these lines.


Answer :

The meaning of these lines is described below—
The term vaishnav is used to address the people who understand the pain of others. While helping people in pain, they do not allow their pride to cloud their minds which reflects the behaviour of an ideal human being.
Poet Narsinh Mehta wrote these lines. The lines reflect how an ideal human should behave with others without differentiating them. A person in need of help should be taken care of irrespective of their class.

Question 2 :

 Do people look at different kinds of work in the same way? If not, why is this so? Why is it important to bring change?

Answer :

No, people have different mindsets for different kinds of work because people are still stuck in the old rules of societal discrepancies based on caste, creed, and gender.
It is essential to change this mindset because of the following reasons—
i) It would promote equality in society.
ii) All works are important, and the absence of any one of them would lead to an imbalance in society.
iii) Ignorance based on work hurts the sentiments and self-respect of people.

Question 3 :

So, who does this kind of work? Why do people do this kind of work that others do not want to do?

Answer :

The jobs which are underpaid and not respected by society are taken up by the poor and uneducated people. Due to poverty and lack of education and skills, poor people get involved in these types of works.

Question 4 :

What kinds of work or jobs do people not want to do? Why?

Answer :

People avoid the following types of work—
i) Works which are highly challenging.
ii) Works which are not paid well.
iii) Works which are not respected by society.
Work that is challenging requires patience and quick decision-making skills that are not present in every individual. Other jobs that are underpaid and not respectable are also avoided because of social stigma.


Question 1 :

Think of some ways (machines, or other things) so that people would not have to do the work they don't like to do. Draw a picture of what you thought.

Answer :

At present, several machines have decreased the involvement of humans in such works. Some of the pictures are given below—

Question 2 :

What would happen if nobody did this work? If nobody cleared the garbage lying outside your school or your house for one week, then what would happen?

Answer :

It would be difficult to maintain a clean surrounding if nobody took up this work. If nobody clears the garbage lying outside our homes and schools, it would start rotting, give off a foul smell, and cause diseases.


Question 1 :

Would you like to bring some changes? What kind?

Answer :

Yes, I would like to change this mindset of the division of work.
Work should not be divided based on gender, and it should be one’s own choice and interests.
There should be no limitations on individuals, be it male or female.

[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 2 :

 Do the girls and the boys do the same kinds of work?

Answer :

Yes, the same kinds of work are done by both boys and girls.

Question 3 :

Guests at Gandhiji’s Ashram had to learn this work also. If you were one of these guests, what would you do?

Answer :

I would have happily agreed to learn and do this work.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 4 :

 Why did Gandhiji and his team start doing the job of cleaning? What do you think about this?

Answer :

 Gandhiji and his team started doing the job of cleaning to develop a sense of responsibility among the people. By doing so, they tried to make people realize that cleaning one’s own house and toilets is not the responsibility of other people. Rather it is the sole responsibility of the individual. Also, they wanted to spread the message that someone’s profession should not decide an individual’s caste.

Question 5 :

Do you know any such people in your area who try to help others in solving— their problems? Find out.

Answer :

Few people in my locality are involved in solving the resident’s problems. They try to eliminate the causes which create issues in the neighbourhood.
One such example is our building’s caretaker, who is always on his toe to help everyone and solve the problems of others to maintain peace and order in the area.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 6 :

What are the toilet arrangements in your house? Where is the toilet? Inside the house or outside? Who cleans the toilet?

Answer :

At present, we have two western-style toilets in my house. In my ancestral village, there are three Indian-style toilets. The toilets are cleaned by a maid and my parents also.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 7 :

How did the man who was returning from the toilet behave with Mahadevbhai? Why did he behave like this?

Answer :

The man returning from the toilet talked rudely to Mahadevbhai. He instructed him to clean the toilet. He did so because people doing this job were not respected in society. Back then, society divided people in different classes based on their jobs. Sweepers and the cleaners were marked as lower-class people.

Question 8 :

How do people generally behave with those people who clean toilets and drains? Write.

Answer :

The differences based on class still prevail in society. People avoid helping and talking to people who clean toilets and drains. But some people try to eliminate such differential behaviour. They behave politely with such people and convey a message that cleaners and sweepers are an important part of society. Without them, our daily lives would not have run smoothly.

Question 9 :

Narayan and Gandhiji discussed all this many years ago. Have things changed now?

Answer :

Yes, things have changed. Education has transformed people’s mindset, and the practice of untouchability has significantly reduced. People are respectful towards each other irrespective of their profession. The government has introduced specific laws to abolish the practice of untouchability.

Question 10 :

Who does the cleaning in your school? What all has to be cleaned?

Answer :

The school authorities have hired sweepers and cleaning staff to clean the premises. They are supposed to clean corridors, classrooms, playgrounds, toilets, gardens, and terraces.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]

Question 11 :

 Do all children like you help in this? If yes, how?

Answer :

Yes, children help in maintaining hygiene in the school premises. Their teachers teach them to practice clean habits and not make their surroundings dirty.

Question 12 :

If all do not help, why not?

Answer :

Some students are not responsible enough for their actions. Such children do not listen to the teachers and make their surroundings dirty and filthy. Their attitude towards the people involved in cleaning too is not proper.

Question 13 :

Do all children do all kinds of work?

Answer :

No, all children are not involved in doing all kind of jobs. Some of them are still taught that few jobs are dirty which sets their mindset accordingly, reflecting their behaviour.

Question 14 :

Do they sometimes have to miss classes to do this work?

Answer :

No, classes are never missed

Question 15 :

What all work do you do at home?

Answer :

I help my parents in the following works at home—
i) Cleaning and dusting.
ii) Wiping windows.
iii) Cleaning my room.
iv) Keeping the bathroom clean.

Question 16 :

Is the work done by boys and girls, men and women the same?

Answer :

There is a division of work among males and females. Some works are categorised for women like cooking, cleaning, sewing, washing, etc. On the other hand, the jobs which require more physical strength and are done outdoors are categorised for men like repairing cars, electrical appliances, working in factories, etc. However, with time, the situations have changed, and now everyone is doing all types of works

What We Have Learnt

Question 1 :

Gandhiji used to say that every person should do every kind of work. What do you feel about this? If everyone followed this, what are the things that would change? What are some changes that will happen in your own house?

Answer :

 I feel Gandhiji rightly said about different kinds of work. People are still discriminated against based on their jobs. Casteism also prevails in some parts of our country which hurts the sentiments and self-respect of people and creates a sense of inequality.
If people followed Gandhiji’s teachings, the scenario would be different. People will co-exist peacefully, and many social problems will get eventually eliminated in our house and society.

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