ORCHIDS The International School

EVS Class-5 NCERT Solutions, Chapter 6-: Every Drop Counts

Class 5 EVS Chapter 6 describes the different aspects of water. It covers the journey of rainwater, wells and stepwells, rainwater collection, how people have used water over time, and customs related to water. The NCERT Class 5 EVS Chapter 6 encourages the kids to observe the local water bodies in the adjoining areas. Other topics included in the text are unequal water distribution, water bills, how water is supplied to houses and buildings, and why everyone should have equal access to water. The NCERT textbook (Looking Around) questions are answered in a simple and engaging manner. We also have related ‘Learning Concepts’, and interactive worksheets with solutions. Our ‘Learning Beyond’ segment caters to all the probable questions that the child might think out of curiosity. Download Chapter 6 Every Drop Counts in the PDF format for free. .

Download PDF For NCERT Solutions for EVS Every Drop Counts

The EVS Class-5 NCERT Solutions, Chapter 6-: Every Drop Counts are tailored to help the students master the concepts that are key to success in their classrooms. The solutions given in the PDF are developed by experts and correlate with the CBSE syllabus of 2023-2024. These solutions provide thorough explanations with a step-by-step approach to solving problems. Students can easily get a hold of the subject and learn the basics with a deeper understanding. Additionally, they can practice better, be confident, and perform well in their examinations with the support of this PDF.

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Access Answers to EVS Class-5 NCERT Solutions, Chapter 6-: Every Drop Counts

Students can access the EVS Class-5 NCERT Solutions, Chapter 6-: Every Drop Counts. Curated by experts according to the CBSE syllabus for 2023–2024, these step-by-step solutions make Maths much easier to understand and learn for the students. These solutions can be used in practice by students to attain skills in solving problems, reinforce important learning objectives, and be well-prepared for tests.

Observe and Find Out

Question 1 :

Look at the area around your school. Are there any fields, farms, pucca roads, drains, etc.? Is the area sloping, rocky or flat? Think, what will happen here when it rains? Where will the rainwater go—into the drains, pipes or pits? Is some water also getting soaked into the soil?

Answer :

Yes, there are fields, pucca roads and drains near my school. The area is sloping at places. When it rains, the rainwater quickly goes into the drain and to the nearby pond. Water gets soaked in the soil in those areas which are not covered by cemented roads.

Question 2 :

How do you think the rainwater that falls on the roof will reach the underground tank? Draw the path.

Answer :

The water from the roof reaches the underground tank through pipes.

Question 3 :

Have you ever faced a shortage of water in your area? If yes, then what was the reason for it?

Answer :

Yes, we face a shortage of water in our area during summers because of the following reasons—
(i) Erratic supply from the water supplier. (ii) Due to overconsumption of water in summers. (iii) Due to less rainfall.

Question 4 :

Talk to your grandmother or any elderly person. Find out, when they were of your age: From where did they get water for the house? Has there been a change now?

Answer :

Earlier, people depended on the wells and ponds for water. They used to carry water in pots from these places. After a few years, people started digging tube wells for groundwater. At present, there are no wells or ponds in urban residential areas. People depend on the Jal Board of their localities for water. In some drought-prone regions people have started rainwater harvesting. Whereas in the rural area people depend on tube wells and canals for water.

Question 5 :

 What kind of water arrangements were made for travellers—for example piau, mashak (leather bag) or any other? Now what do people do about water when they travel?

Answer :

Earlier, kings and rich merchants used to build piau for travellers.
Drinking water was served for free at these piaus. Mashak was used for carrying water.
At present we can see free drinking water points at public places like railway stations, bus stands, and airports. Apart from that, people carry water in water bottles and water campers while travelling. People also buy packaged drinking water bottles from shops.

Question 6 :

 Can we even imagine life without water?

Answer :

Water is an essential part of our lives. We depend on water for domestic uses like drinking, bathing, cleaning, washing, watering the plants, etc. Apart from that, water is used widely in industries and mills. Most importantly, water is vital for the survival of human beings. Hence, we cannot imagine life without water.

Question 7 :

Do you have some special pots for water at your place?

Answer :

The use of pots has been reduced these days. We use water directly from the water filters. But in summers, my mother keeps water in earthen pots because water remains cool in them. Also, I have seen pots made of brass in my grandmother’s house.

Question 8 :

Have you ever seen any beautiful building near the place of water? Where?

Answer :

I have seen Jal Mahal in Jaipur, and this monument is located in the middle of a lake.

Find Out

Question 1 :

Is there a lake, well or stepwell near your house or school? Visit it and find out more about it. How old is it? Who got it built?

Answer :

Yes, there is a big well near my house. People say that it is more than fifty years old. It was then built by the sarpanch of our village.

Question 2 :

What kind of buildings are around it?

Answer :

There are some ruins of old houses around the well. However, some new houses have also been built around it.

Question 3 :

Is the water clean? Is it cleaned regularly?

Answer :

 The water is filthy due to the growth of fungus and other microbes in it. Dried leaves have also gathered in the water. It is not cleaned regularly as people no longer depend on it for water.

Question 4 :

 Who all use the water?

Answer :

Nobody uses that water, and it remains stagnant in the well because people are not dependent on the well for water anymore.

Question 5 :

Is there any festival celebrated at this place?

Answer :

Yes, people perform some rituals at that place after a new baby is born, during a wedding ceremony, and on Makar Sankranti.

Question 6 :

Is there any water today or is it dry?

Answer :

The well has some water in it. The level of water increases in the rainy season.


Question 1 :

There are two old wells in the area where Punita lives. Her grandmother says that about fifteen-twenty years ago there was water in these wells. The wells could have dried up because:

  • Water is being pumped up from under the ground, with the help of electric motors.
  • The lakes in which rainwater used to collect are no longer there.
  • The lakes in which rainwater used to collect are no longer there.
  • The soil around trees and parks is now covered with cement.

Is there some other reason for this? Explain.

Answer :

Apart from the reasons mentioned above, deforestation must have played a role in it. Decrease in the number of trees has adversely affected the rains, which in turn led to a decrease in groundwater level.

The Story Today

Question 1 :

 Let us see the different ways in which the people manage water today. See the picture and discuss. Do you get water in your house by any of these ways? Put a tick (✓) on that. If you get water by some other way, write in your notebook.

Answer :

We get water from our taps all day long. However, some other ways by which people receive water are given below—
(i) Some get water from the water supply connection provided by the Jal Board. They use an electric motor to collect it in their water tanks.
(ii) Some have a handpump to get underground water in our village.
(iii) The government has made a canal system for providing water in nearby villages. Some people get it through connections at their home, and some of them bring water using water pots.
(iv) Some people have bore wells/tube wells at their homes. They directly pump the groundwater through electric motors attached to the tube wells.


Question 1 :

 Everyone has the right to live. Yet is everybody getting enough water to live or even water to drink?

Answer :

People are not getting enough water to live or even drink due to the following reasons—
(i) Improper availability of water. (ii) Droughts in areas receiving less to no rainfall. (iii) Poor management by Jal board. (iv) Over-population leading to excessive demand of water.

Question 2 :

Why is it that some people have to buy drinking water? Should it be like this?

Answer :

Some people have to buy drinking water because of the following reasons—
(i) Dirty water supplied from the Jal Board.
(ii) Unavailability of fresh water in any form. For example, in some areas the level of underground water has gone down to such a level that it is no longer suitable to use.

Question 3 :

Water on this earth is for one and all. Some people draw out water from the ground by deep bore wells. How far is it correct? Have you ever seen this? Why do some people put a pump directly in the Jal Board pipeline? What problems would other people face due to this? Do you have any such experience?

Answer :

Drawing water from bore wells is a traditional practice of obtaining fresh water for domestic use. It affects the level of groundwater, but it gets refilled by rainwater.
But nowadays, the pattern of rainfall has changed due to different causes. So, depending only on groundwater is not a good practice and would not lead to a sustainable development.
It is not correct to draw out water directly from bore wells because it causes a decrease in the groundwater level.
Putting a pump directly in the Jal Board Pipeline leads to unequal distribution of water which leads to the decrease in water availability.
People who cannot afford a pump do not get enough water despite individual water connections, and this is a common problem in summers in my area as well.

Look at this Bill and Tell

Question 1 :

Why do you think Dilli Sarkar (Government of Delhi) is written under Delhi Jal Board?

Answer :

Delhi Jal Board is regulated by the Government of Delhi. Hence, Dilli Sarkar is written over the bill.

Question 2 :

From which office has this bill come?

Answer :

 Delhi Jal Board has issued the bill.

Question 3 :

 Do you get a water bill at home? Find out from where it is sent.

Answer :

Yes, we get a water bill in every two months, and it is sent by Jal Board.

Question 4 :

 In whose name is the bill? How much money do they have to pay for each month?

Answer :

The bill is in the name of Sri Mohd. Umar and Dr. Mohd. Shoaib.
The bill amounts to Rs. 368 for two months. Hence, they have to pay Rs. 184 for each month.

Question 5 :

Do you have to pay for water? How much? Is the rate of water different in different colonies? Ask you elders.

Answer :

Yes, we have to pay Rs. 200 as water bill for every two months. Yes, the rate of the water bill is the same for all the colonies.

It Can be Done

Question 1 :

 Have you ever read this kind of news in any newspaper? How did people solve their problem of water? Did they repair and reuse any old lake or stepwell?

Answer :

Yes, I have read such news in the newspaper. I have heard this kind of incident happened in a village in Madhya Pradesh. People over there repaired and restored an old dried-up lake for collecting rainwater that would eventually help them fulfil their needs for water.

What Have We Learnt?

Question 1 :

What else can you see in the bill, like the money spent on repair, maintenance etc.?

Answer :

No such value is visible on the bill. Entries like name of the person, consumer ID, connection number and subdivision are seen

Question 2 :

This bill is from __________ date to ___________date.

Answer :

This bill is from July to December 2018.

Question 3 :

How much money is to be paid for this bill?

Answer :

The amount to be paid is Rs. 1512 (one thousand five hundred and twelve rupees).

Question 4 :

 Make a poster: Do you remember the slogan—
“Water on earth is for one and all.” Think of some other such slogans. Draw pictures and make a nice poster.

Answer :

Bring a water bill, look at it and tell—

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