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NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English Honeydew Chapter 7: A Visit To Cambridge

Orchid offers the NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 7, "A Visit To Cambridge," available for free in PDF format on this page. These solutions have been meticulously prepared by our most experienced subject specialists after in-depth research on the topic. You can rely on their accuracy as these NCERT Solutions are meticulously crafted to align with CBSE guidelines and include the latest questions from the previous year's examinations. Additionally, you can access both NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science and NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths online and offline, as they are available in a free PDF format below.

Access Answers to NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English Honeydew Chapter 7: A Visit To Cambridge

Students can access the NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English Honeydew Chapter 7: A Visit To Cambridge. Curated by experts according to the CBSE syllabus for 2023–2024, these step-by-step solutions make Maths much easier to understand and learn for the students. These solutions can be used in practice by students to attain skills in solving problems, reinforce important learning objectives, and be well-prepared for tests.

Comprehension Check

Question 1 :

Which is the right sentence?

“Cambridge was my metaphor for England.” To the writer

(i) Cambridge was a reputed university in England.

(ii) England was famous for Cambridge.

(iii) Cambridge was the real England.


Answer :

(ii) England was famous for Cambridge.


Question 2 :

The writer phoned Stephen Hawking’s house

(i) From the nearest phone booth.

(ii) From outside a phone booth.

(iii) From inside a phone booth.


Answer :

(ii) From outside a phone booth.


Question 3 :

Every time he spoke to the scientist, the writer felt guilty because

(i) He wasn’t sure what he wanted to ask.

(ii) He forced the scientist to use his voice synthesiser.

(iii) He was face to face with a legend.


Answer :

(ii) He forced the scientist to use his voice synthesiser.


Question 4 :

“I felt a huge relief…in the possibilities of my body.” In the given context, the highlighted words refer to

(i) Shifting in the wheelchair, turning the wrist.

(ii) Standing up, walking.

(iii) Speaking, writing. 


Answer :

(i) Shifting in the wheelchair, turning the wrist.


Working With Text

Question 1 :

Guess the first question put before the scientist by the writer. 


Answer :

The writer’s first question to Hawking might have been about his disability, how he had accepted it and how he had been so brave to reach where he had.


Question 2 :

Stephen Hawking said, “I’ve had no choice.” Does the writer think there was a choice? What was it? 


Answer :

The writer thought that Hawking had a choice. He could have been depressed about his situation and be sad about his disability. However, he chooses to accept the reality of his disintegrating body and lives his life creatively.


Question 3 :

“I could feel his anguish.” What could be the anguish?


Answer :

Hawking’s mind was full of many great ideas that he wanted to speak out loud. However, he was not able to speak clearly. He fumbled while speaking and spoke in phrases that didn't express his feelings or emotions. His sentences did not have any sentiments. The writer felt that Hawking was anguished by the fact that he could not express everything that he thought of because of his disability. What was really sad was that he used a computer to speak for himself.


Question 4 :

What endeared the scientist to the writer so that he said he was looking at one of the most beautiful men in the world?


Answer :

 When the writer asks Stephen Hawking if he was disturbed by someone like him. Hawking replied to him very honestly and told him that he was disturbed by the writer. Then, he gave a one-way smile and this is what endeared the writer. The writer felt at that moment that Stephen Hawking was one of the most beautiful men in the world. The writer was himself disabled and felt that it is the soul that matters in a person and not the body. The body is just a mere accessory.


Question 5 :

Read aloud the description of ‘the beautiful man. Which is the most beautiful sentence in the description?


Answer :

The most beautiful sentence which describes Hawking’s inner glow and makes his disability look irrelevant is: “before you like a lantern whose walls are worn so thin, you glimpse only the light inside, is the incandescence of a man”.


Question 6 :

(i) If ‘the lanterns’ is the man, what would its ‘walls’ be?

(ii) What is housed within the thin walls?

(iii) What general conclusion does the writer draw from this comparison?


Answer :

(i) The ‘walls’ would be the human body.

(ii) Light of light is housed within the thin walls 

(iii) The writer realized that the soul of a man is what matters the most. The body is just an accessory.


Question 7 :

Why does the writer refer to the guitar incident? Which idea does it support?


Answer :

Stephen Hawking believed that the disabled should concentrate on things they are good at and that events like the disabled Olympics are a waste. The writer agreed with him because he himself tried to play Spanish Guitar for years and failed as it was larger than himself. The writer recalled being very happy when finally one night he unstrung it. 


Question 8 :

The writer expressed his great gratitude to Stephen Hawking. What is gratitude for?


Answer :

The writer felt inspired by Stephen Hawking and expressed his gratitude towards him. He thought that Hawking was a very brave person and he himself could have been as brave as Hawking, he would have achieved so much. He felt stronger after meeting with Hawking and it made him realize that even he could do great things in life.


Question 9 :

Answer the following questions:

 (i)  Did the prospect of meeting Stephen Hawking make the writer nervous? If so, why?


(ii) Did he at the same time feel very excited? If so, why?


Answer :

(i) The prospect of meeting Stephen Hawking made the writer nervous because Stephen Hawking is a brilliant scientist. He is quadriplegic. He is the writer of a world-renowned book “A Brief History of Time”. He became the descendant of Isaac Newton at the University of Cambridge. To meet with such a great personality, made the writer nervous. 


(ii)  Yes, the writer felt excited as well. He was excited to meet this brilliant disabled scientist who was considered as a descendant of Sir Isaac Newton. He had achieved many milestones in his life. The writer was made aware of many possibilities present before him and he felt stronger because of the meeting. This meeting helped him to reach out which he thought he never could. 


Question 10 :

Complete the following sentences taking their appropriate parts from both the boxes below.



Taping at a little switch in his hand

Trying to find the words on his computer

And I told him

I had come in a wheelchair from India

And there are people

On which you are too lazy to draw a cheque

As if you have a courage account

Smiling with admiration to see you breathing still

And they are saying something huge and urgent

It is hard to tell what

(i) There was his assistant on the line …

(ii) You get fed up with people asking you to be brave, …

(iii) There he was, …

(iv) You look at his eyes which can speak, …

(v) It doesn’t do much good to know …


Answer :

(i) There was his assistant on the line and I told him I had come in a wheelchair from India.

(ii) You get fed up with people asking you to be brave as if you have a courage account on which you are too lazy to draw a cheque.

(iii) There he was, tapping at a little switch in his hand trying to find words on his computer.

(iv) You look at his eyes which can speak, and they are saying something huge and urgent – it is hard to tell what 

(v) It doesn’t do much good to know that there are people smiling with admiration to see you breathing still.


Working with Language

Question 1 :

Make six phrases using the words given in the box.








Answer :


i. Reading session

ii. Smiling face

Iii.Revolving chair

iv. Walking tour

v. Dancing doll

vi. Winning chance


Question 2 :

Use all or both in the blanks. Tell your partner why you chose one or the other.

(i) He has two brothers. _______ are lawyers.

(ii) More than ten people called. _______ of them wanted to see you.

(iii) They _______ cheered the team.

(iv) _______ her parents are teachers.

(v) How much have you got? Give me _______ of it.


Answer :

(i) Both

(ii) All

(iii) All

(iv) Both

(v) All

Question 3 :

Complete each sentence using the right form of adjectives given in the brackets.

(i) My friend has one of the _______ cars on the road. (fast)

(ii) This is the _______ story I have ever read. (interesting)

(iii) What you are doing now is _______ than what you did yesterday. (easy)

(iv) Ramesh and his wife are both _______. (short)

(v) He arrived _______ as usual. Even the chief guest came _______ than he did. (late, early)


Answer :

(i) fastest

(i) most interesting

(i) easier

(i) Short

(i) late,easier

Question 4 :

Fill in the blanks in the sentences below using the appropriate forms of the words given in the following box.

Guide, succeed, chair, travel, pale, draw, true

(i) I met a ____________ from an antique land.

(ii) I need special ____________ in mathematics. I can’t count the number of times I have failed in the subject.

(iii) The guide called Stephen Hawking a worthy ____________ to Issac Newton.

(iv) His other problems ____________ into insignificance beside this unforeseen mishap.

(v) The meeting was ____________ by the youngest member of the board.

(vi) Some people say ‘yours ____________’ when they informally refer to themselves.

(vii) I wish it had been a ____________ match. We would have been spared the noise of celebrations, at least.


Answer :

(i) Traveler

(ii) Guidance

(iii) Successor

(iv) Paled

(v) Chaired

(vi) Truly

(vii) Drawn


Speaking and Writing

Question 1 :

Underline stressed syllables in the following words. Consult the dictionary or ask the teacher if necessary

artist            mistake         accident         moment 

compare     satisfy            relation          table 

illegal          agree              backward      mountain


Answer :














Question 2 :

Writing a notice for the School Notice Board.

Step 1

Discuss why notices are put up on the notice board. What kinds of ‘notices’ have you lately seen on the board? How is a notice different from a letter or a descriptive paragraph?

Step 2

Suppose you have lost or found something on the campus. What have you lost or found? You want to write a notice about it. If you have lost something, you want it restored to you in case someone has found it. If you have found something, you want to return it to its owner.

Step 3

Write a few lines describing the object you have lost or found. Mention the purpose of the notice in clear terms. Also write your name, class, section and date.

Step 4

Let one member of each group read aloud the notice to the entire class. Compare your notice with the other notices, and make changes, if necessary, with the help of the teacher.


Imagine that you are a journalist. You have been asked to interview the president of the village panchayat. Write eight to ten questions you wish to ask. The questions should elicit comments as well as plans regarding water and electricity, cleanliness and school education in the village.


Answer :



XYZ Public School                                                                                  

13th September 2020

I found a watch in the school playground. It is a Timex watch with a black belt with a white dial and has been found near the senior wing playground. The owner of the watch may contact the undersigned and take it proving his/her claim.


Roll no. ___

Xth C 


The questions which I wish to ask the president of the Village Panchayat are:

  • What are your plans for the development of education in your area?

  • How will you improve the healthcare facilities?

  • What will you do to promote cleanliness in the area?

  • What plans do you have for improving agriculture in the village?

  • Do you plan to promote female children in any way?

  • Will you do anything for farmers?

  • Will you work for the betterment of the infrastructure of the village?

  • What have you planned for civil amenities?


Enquire Now