ORCHIDS The International School

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 3 – Taro’s Reward

Accessing quality study materials is crucial for students struggling to keep up with their academic workload. The quest for appropriate resources often proves to be a challenging endeavor, with many students grappling to find materials that facilitate easy comprehension of subjects. Fortunately, the solution lies in NCERT Solutions, a reliable source that alleviates academic concerns. Specifically tailored for Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 3, these solutions, presented by Orchid The International School, are meticulously crafted by seasoned educators. The content is thoughtfully designed to cater to the diverse study needs of students, ensuring a seamless learning experience. Say goodbye to exhaustive searches for study material; Orchid The International School has curated a comprehensive solution to enhance your academic journey.

Access Answers to NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 3 – Taro’s Reward

Students can access the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 3 – Taro’s Reward. Curated by experts according to the CBSE syllabus for 2023–2024, these step-by-step solutions make Maths much easier to understand and learn for the students. These solutions can be used in practice by students to attain skills in solving problems, reinforce important learning objectives, and be well-prepared for tests.

Taro’s Reward

Question 1 :

Question A: Answer the Following Questions. 


1. Why Did Taro Run in the Direction of the Stream?


2. How Did Taro’s Father Show His Happiness After Drinking Sake?


3. Why Did the Waterfall Give Taro’s Sake and Others Water?


4. Why Did the Villagers Want To Drown Taro?


Why Did the Emperor Reward Taro?


Answer :

1 : Taro ran in the direction of the stream because he wanted to hear the sound of falling water which he had never heard before. At the same time, he was feelingthirsty.


2 : Taro's father shows his happiness after drinking sake by dancing. He stopped shivering and felt warm as well as energetic. 


3 : For Taro’s sake waterfall changed water into sake as a reward for him. He was a thoughtful son but unlike him, the other people were greedy. So, it remained plain water for other people.


4 : Villagers wanted to drown Taro as they thought Taro had fooled them. The villagers too wanted to collect sake but they got only plain water. So, they wanted to punish him for playing tricks with them.


5 : The emperor rewarded Taro to establish him as a role model. Taro was kind and obeyed his parents. He was fully devoted to them. The emperor wanted to encourage all children to follow in his steps and respect, obey and serve their parents. 


Question 2 :

Question B: Mark the Right Item. 

1. Taro Earned Very Little Money Because

(i) he didn't work hard enough. 

(ii) the villagers didn't need wood. 

(iii) the price of wood was very low. 


2. Taro Decided To Earn Extra Money

(i) to live a more comfortable life. 

(ii) to buy his old father some sake. 

(iii) to repair the cracks in the hut


3. The Neighbor Left Taro’s Hut in a Hurry Because

(i) she was delighted with the drink. 

(ii) she was astonished to hear Taro's story. 

(iii) she wanted to tell the whole village about the waterfall. 


Answer :

1 : (iii) the price of wood was very low


2 : (ii) to buy his old father some sake


3 : (iii) she wanted to tell the whole village about the waterfall.


Question 3 :

Question A: A Strike off the words in the box below that are not suitable. 

thoughtful        hardworking            loving                honest                    consider   trustworthy              efficient             kind

Taro wanted to give his old parents everything they needed. This shows that he


Answer :

Taro wanted to give his old parents everything they needed. This shows that he was honest, trustworthy, and efficient. 


Question 4 :

Question B: 

1. “This Made Taro Sadder Than Ever.” ‘This’ Refers To

(i) a strong wind that began to blow. 

(ii) Taro's father's old age. 

(iii) Taro's inability to buy expensive sake for his father. 

(Mark the right item.) 


2. “This, Said the Emperor, Was To Encourage All Children To Honor and Obey Their Parents.” ‘This’ Refers To

(i) the most beautiful fountain in the city. 

(ii) rewarding Taro with gold and giving the fountain his name.

(iii) sending for Taro to hear his story. 

(Mark the right item.) 


Answer :

1 :  (iii) Taro's inability to buy expensive sake for his father


2 : (ii) rewarding Taro with gold and giving the fountain his name.


Question 5 :

Question C: Arrange the words below in pairs that rhyme. 

young    sad     money     chop     lung     last     wax     could     bad      sound     axe          wood     way        stop     sunny   fast     round    day

Example: young- lung money – sunny


Answer :

Sad - Bad 

Could - Wood 

Sound - Round 

Last - Fast 

Wax - Axe 

Way - Day 

Chop – Stop


Question 6 :

Question D: 

1. Fill in the Blanks With Words From the Box.

lonely     little     hard     young     thoughtful     delicious     beautiful


2. Find These Sentences in the Story and Fill in the Blanks.


Answer :

1 :  A __ young ___ woodcutter lived on a __ lonely ___ hillside. He was a __ thoughtful ___ son who worked __ hard ___ but earned __ little ___ money. One day he saw a __ little ___ waterfall hidden behind a rock. He tasted the water and found it delicious.


2 : (i) This made Taro sadder than ever. 

(ii) He decided to work  harder than before. 

(iii) Next morning, Taro jumped out of bed earlier  than usual. 

(iv) He began to chop even faster 

(v) Next morning, Taro started work even  earlier than the morning before. 


Question 7 :

Question A: Speak the Following Sentences Clearly but As Quickly as You Can. Learn Them by Heart.

(i) How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood. 


(II) Betty Bought a Bit of Butter, but the Bit of Butter Was a Little Bitter so She Bought Some Better Butter To Make the Bitter Butter Better.


Answer :

(i) :  Do yourself and try to speak the sentences clearly.



(ii) : Do yourself and try to speak the sentences clearly.


Question 8 :

Question B: 

1. The Story ‘Taro’s Reward’ Shows That Taro Is Thoughtful, Hardworking and Also Wise. Read Aloud the Parts of the Story That Show These Qualities in Taro.


2. (I) Like Patrick in the Story ‘Who Did Patrick’s Homework’, Taro Is Helped by Magic. Do You Believe in Magic? What Are the Magical Things That Happen in These Stories?

   (II)  Which Story Do You Like Better, and Why? Do You Know Such Stories in Other Languages? Discuss These Questions in Class.


3. Now Write a Paragraph or Two About These Two Stories, Comparing Them.


Answer :

1 :  The part of the story which highlights this is "All day long he chopped wood in the forest. Though he worked very hard, he earned very little money. This made him sad, for he was a thoughtful son and wanted to give his old parents everything they needed."


2 :(I)  No, I don't believe in magic. It’s just a result of continuous practice and some tricks. In this story, the magic is visible in the way the waterfall appears behind the rocks and tastes like sake for Taro and plain water for other people. 

   (II)  Both the stories are based on the value of hard work. It tells us that hard work is the key to success. But I like Patrick's most as it is more adventurous than the other one.


3 : The story- Who did Patrick's homework is more adventurous than the other one- Taro's Reward. Patrick is presented as a hardworking boy who hates homework. He is good at sports. The story is a natural presentation and ends with a message that hard work is the key to success. On the other hand, Taro is shown as a thoughtful, wise, and hardworking boy who is kind and fully devoted to his parents. His characterization is just opposite to Patrick’s. He was also rewarded by the emperor for his devotion to his parents.


Question 9 :

Question C: 

1. Listen to These Children. What are They Talking About?

Conversation of children

Conversation of Children



2. Work in Groups. Come to Some Agreement on Each of the Activities Given Below. Decide Which is the Most Interesting, Dullest, Most Dangerous, Safest, Most Rewarding, Most Exciting.










watching TV

playing football

listening to music

mountain climbing

learning languages

stamp collecting


Answer :

1 : They are discussing and comparing the difficulties related to different tasks-driving, swimming, or learning English. One agrees on the fact that driving is less difficult than learning English. 


2 : Most interesting: dancing, listening to music and watching TV.

Dullest: knitting, learning language, and sewing. 

Most dangerous: mountain climbing. 

Safest: Walking, stamp collecting. 

Most rewarding: reading, fishing, cooking, and painting. 

Most exciting: Playing football and swimming.


Question 10 :

 Your Teacher Will Speak the Words Given Below. Write Against Each Two New Words That Rhyme With It.

1. bed ______, _____ 

2. wax _______, _________

3. fast ______, _______ 

4. chop ________, ________

5. young _______, _______

Answer :

1. bed ledshed  

2. wax  fax , axe

3. fast  castlast  

4. chop  flop ,  shop 

5. young  amongbelong 

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