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What is rounding to the nearest thousandth ?

Rounding to the nearest thousandth is the process of approximating a number to the closest value with three decimal places.

Why is rounding to the nearest thousandth important ?

It is essential for maintaining accuracy in various mathematical and scientific calculations where precision matters.

When should I round to the nearest thousandth ?

Round to the nearest thousandth when dealing with measurements or data that require a high degree of accuracy.


To round a number to the nearest thousandth, examine the digit in the fourth decimal place. If it is 5 or greater, round up the third decimal place. If it is less than 5, keep the third decimal place unchanged.

Round to the Nearest Thousandth = Third Decimal Place+0.001

Round to the Nearest Thousandth = Third Decimal Place+0.001 if the fourth decimal place is 5 or greater.


Example 1:


After rounding of to the nearest thousandth 12.346

Example 2:


After rounding of to the nearest thousandth 8.912

Example 3:


After rounding of to the nearest thousandth 15.679